What is your Contact Info? All Contact Info is required. We will use this information to contact you with questions and to send your results!

    What is your Academic Structure? Institution must be 5 characters. Career max 4 characters. Program max 5 characters

    External Organization Ext Org max 11 characters, Ext Career must be 4 characters, Course Level must be 2 characters, Ext Term Type must be 3 characters

    Effective Dating Tell us what Effective Dates we should use when we build your Course Tables and Transfer Rule Tables

    Effective Date for Creating Course Tables This date will be used to build External Subject Table, School Subject Table, and School Course Classification  

    Effective Date for Creating Rules Tables This date will be used to build Transfer Subject Area, Transfer Rules and Program/Source Equivalency  

    Use Existing Effective Date if Found If you choose Yes then when we build Transfer Subject Area, Transfer Rule and Program/Source Equivalency, we will use existing effective dates if we find them, otherwise we will use the Default YesNo

    External Subject Area This field is Optional. If blank we will use the Subject Area

    Component Subject Area (Choose Only One of these options) Tell us how you want us to build your Component Subject Areas. Choose only one of the three options.

    Use School Subject YesNo

    -OR-Use Default Component Subject Area If provided, we will use this default value for all Component Subject Areas

    -OR-Use School Subject plus this Prefix For example if the School Subject is 'HIST' and the Prefix is 'TR-' then we will build Component Subject Area = 'TR-HIST'

    Transfer Subject Area Tell us how you want us to build your Transfer Subject Areas

    Transfer Subject Description Transfer Subject Description is max 30 char, if left blank we will use the Component Subject Area.  
    Component Description 
    Transfer Priority 
    Internal Equiv Course Value 
    Default Grade 

    Incoming Course Defaults Tell us what values you want us to use for your Incoming Course defaults

    Min Max Grade Points  
    Begin Date for Incoming Courses
    End Date for Incoming Courses

    Transfer Rules Tell us how you want us to build your Transfer Rules.

    Transfer Equivalency Rule Transfer Equivalency Rule max 6 chars, if left blank we will use the Program

    Rule Description Max 30 characters, if left blank we will use 'Rule Maker'

    Program/Source Equiv Descr Max 30 char, if left blank we will use 'Rule Maker'

    Upload your Data File You may upload either a 'Simple Format' file or a 'TES format' file. Click the Help link for Details and sample files.