Fuel your academic mission

Proven AI-driven software empowering your school to reach your enrollment goals and serve your students.

Schools worldwide leverage Smart Panda

Revolutionizing speed and accuracy

in student service

Unique colleges and high schools processed
Faster than manually inputting data from documents
Colleges and companies using our solutions daily

Intelligent automation for every step of the student journey

Our suite of applications are designed to dramatically elevate your effectiveness

Evaluate Transcripts Faster

Our automated transcript processing parses a diverse set of high school and college transcript layouts. Our suite of tools make it easy and fast to digitize and review transcripts.

Deep Course Content at your Fingertips

Gain advanced insights into millions of courses and thousands of schools, using AI-curated search, course matching, and real-time web content. Our integrated system allows you to move with ease through rich curricular information.

Accept Student Credits in Transfer

With Equate, effortlessly import and build equivalency rules, and seamlessly integrate them into your system, providing students with instant, accurate transfer information. Powered by AI and backed by SmartPanda's continuous enhancements and dedicated support, Equate transforms how institutions process transfer credits.

Let's transform your

workflows now

Set up a meeting with us to discuss your institution's goals and learn how SmartPandaTools can help.