Academic Advisement Data Mining

If you’re live on PeopleSoft Academic Advisement, you are already using a powerful engine to provide degree-progress reports to your students and academic leaders.
But have you unlocked the valuable strategic insights that Advisement offers?
- How many students have taken courses that earn them a credential or certificate they have not declared?
- How will curricular modeling impact students based on their completed courses?
- Which students may be only a course or two away from completing a degree or certificate?
To answer big questions like these, you need high-powered data mining — and we have the tools for you!
AA Mining is a pure Bolt On application – it touches no delivered code.
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AA Mining brings you these innovative capabilities
1. Define any Student Population and any Curricular Scenario
Our Mining toolset systematically leads you through the setups to answer the questions you’re after.
- First define the Student Population that you are analyzing. Use any criteria you want – including Units Earned, Active Terms, Current Major, etc.
- Then define the Curricular Path you want to model them against.
2. Powerful Automated Processing engines
Once you’ve defined your mining scenario(s), then we automate it from there — using some proprietary techniques we will narrow down the populations for greatest efficiency, and then we auto-generate the permutations to find the answers you’re looking for.
The Mining routines crunch away without human intervention, until completed and ready for analysis.
3. Unique tools to understand your Results
So the modeling is completed and you have thousands of rows of Academic Advisement outcomes to understand.
We bring you unique Javascript Pages and Instant-Charts inside PeopleSoft to readily see what you’ve got!
AA Data Mining is Growing
The SmartPanda engineers do not sit still. As we learn from our customers and from experienced consultants, we continually add more features, expanding the tool’s comprehensiveness and flexibility.
License AA Data Mining and you will automatically inherit these new features. Your license also comes with SmartPanda support:
- We answer your questions about the tool
- We advise you in tailoring the analyses for your institution
- You gain access to best practices to understand your data!